New Ways to Explore Books on BookLikes
Now you can discover books that people on BookLikes are talking about, reviewing and shelving. The BookLikes Book Catalog is open!
The entrance to the Book Catalog is in the main menu, just under the Explore. Our new page presents recent book activities and bookshelf updates of BookLikes Community and your friends.
We’ve listed several discovery paths which include the most recent updates in the following areas:
- recently added reviews
- new books added to your bookshelves
- most popular and looked up books
- top wish-listed titles
- what’s on your currently reading shelves right now
- the highest rated books by people you follow
You can look the books up in the particular categories listed on the left, to view more categories, click see more.
The next steps include adding new book discovery paths, like presenting all book lists in a given category, new releases, and more.
Let us know in the comments below what kind of discovery paths would you like to follow :-)