Top Tags on BookLikes
Now you can discover other blog posts, reviews and bloggers on BookLikes thanks to the week's top tags. You can also see all your tags and those most common used in your texts. Let's start tagging!
To see the most popular tags on BookLikes turn your head right and click Top Tags on BookLikes next to tag search box. Then you'll see top tags from last week most commonly used by BL community. To discover texts and reviews with a given tag, just click the tag to look through the posts by BookLikes bloggers.
Scroll down the new page to see your most used tags, click the tag to see your texts with a given tag. You can also see all your tags in writing box. Your writing and posts planning will be easier now since you don't have to remember all of you tags, just select the tags from the most recent tags list or all my tags list.
Add your books to many shelves, your shelves will be tags in your post.
Once you write a post about a given book, the shelves attached to that book will be added to your review/post as tags. Each of your shelf name will be visible in your writings, and once clicked will show other texts with this tag.
For example: the book pop up shows shelves the book is shelved on:
When you create a post or a review with book from your shelf, the shelves will be added as tags:
P.S. If you're decorating your home and have no clue what to do with a bunch of paint chips, we have an idea. Change them into colorful bookmarks ;-)
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