Seduction: A Novel of Suspense

Seduction: A Novel of Suspense - M. J. Rose This story tells of three families, torn and beaten through different times connected through a twisted thread. They are set to relive the horrors of the past.The story of Victor Hugo's life quest to contact his departed daughter through seances was a fascinating look into his obsession/madness. His need to reunite with her nearly cost him his very soul. His parties became famous, everyone wanted a chance to talk with the dead. He was a dark man, with a heartache that crushed him. But did his terror begin with him or does it go further ?Jac and Theo, in the current time line.They are two troubled teens who meet and find a strange connection while at a mental health treatment center. There are so many moments of something more between these two, adults filled with fear over their bond tear them apart. They stay separate till 17 years later when Jac finds a letter From Theo hidden from her by those she trusted. Jac seems to have trouble staying in the here and now and fights to find the truth and how they all fit together.The oldest of stories goes back to the Druids. The family of a priest, Owain, who has to make horrible choices when the Romans are upon his people. His fate as well as his families start a chain reaction that spans decades.I wasn't sure if it was madness, reincarnation or drugs that caused many of the peoples problems. I was kept guessing till the end of the story. It was a long detailed story traveling back and forth between the times. Slowly the story started to blend and I started to connect the dots. the whole book was a build up to the last 20 % of the book. I was sitting on the edge of may seat waiting for the big finish, only it didn't happen. It was not the big tree falling in the forest I had hoped for it was a small branch hitting soft ground. I was left feeling unsatisfied. Such a story deserved a bigger ending. Even so, it was a good tale, entertaining and breathtaking at times.