All That Bleeds

All That Bleeds - Kimberly Frost I read through the night, couldn't put it down, needed a resolution.I give it 4 stars. MS. Frost writes characters that I bond to very easily. I really enjoyed the Muse/vampire/human society, the mystery was intriguing, the romance very forbidden. Merrick, the tall dark and handsome vampire/human enforcer and Alissa the intelligent, loyal and beautiful Muse. It built up to a intensity so great I could not stop reading. Then it pulled everything together too quickly, it was unsatisfying. The couple the story was based on had their story resolved. I really thought it should have been drawn into another book. They was so much more for them to do in this world Ms Frost built. At the end is a peek into the next book. It sounds promising, centering around the Fallen Angel and another of the Muse's stories. So, it looks as each book will focus on another Muse and her whirl of a tale. Perhaps they will all tie in and what I was looking for will happen with each new book ? Only the next one in the series will tell.