Terrible Narration

The Rose and the Dagger - Renee Ahdieh

Spoilers possible and I'm going negative here.
Audiobook- not recommended
Narration 2.5 stars
Book 3.5
-the elders & men's voices were so terrible. I wanted to laugh, it took me out of the story. I didn't enjoy this second book nearly as much as the first. I think the narration destroyed the serious edge of the seat moments when the villain would squeak out a poor example crinkled Disney cartoon type voice. Dang it, I really wanted to listen to this authors words brought to life on audio, such a shame.
That was my only issue with this story. Tariq, WTH ? He did some crappy things, head banging creepy guy things. He turned into this ultra control freak, that Shahrzad should have never gone along with, where did the real Shahrzah I loved in Book 1 go ? This chick is a wobbler. This problem went on for too long and the time between Shahrad and Khalid was too brief.
I loved her discoveries, her realizations during the last 1/2 of the book. Everything and everyone moved into their roles, justice was coming and finally we got out the weirdness that was in the first half. Oh I love the stories, I'd wished there had have been more.
Sadly I don't think I'll reread it in print, I didn't love it enough. If it ever makes it to the screen I'll be there.