Reading progress update: I've read 7%.

Neanderthal Seeks Human - Penny Reid

I am so depressed, sick, sore, tired, beaten after Harvey, and it's not over. We didn't flood but it came to our door two nights in a row. The towns around my are devastated.  I can't do it right now, I've pushed too far gotten pneumonia and am now medicated to the gills. I need to cower inside a book and release the horrors of Harvey for now.

Her very worst day was pretty bad, but I sense a muscled lining on that dark cloud :P Love this, it's just what I needed after the last week dark dark with Harvey. I need some time away from the blues all around me and something to giggle at. I tell you it's been forever since I've laughed. I'm sore, sick, mentally and physically drained, and Penny Reid is the best self medication.