Beauty and The Beast Adult Style

A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarah J. Maas

First things first- I love a fairy tale twisted and developed. I love an adult version of a childhood favorite even more. This fairy tale retelling just happens to be my favorite.
Beauty and the Beast with blood, guts, gore and sex.. Yeh it's that fairy tale with sex. It's what was missing from the Disney version. Oh come on don't pretend to be outraged you know you wanted it too. I tingled with giddiness when it went down, no fading to black or singing animals.
I really enjoyed all the different personalities in the characters. It took a while to know them, they were not displayed out all at once but released in small tidbits, I got to know them over time. There were layers, upon layers, some lies, some misdirections and some deviousness in them waiting to be searched out. Nothing was black and white, and there were so many shades of gray. This is what made the book such a treat beyond the fairy tale. I didn't know what was going to happen, who was going to be what, when. I was surprised many times, gasped at unexpected events and shocked at the boldness of the author.
I started book 2 minutes after finishing :D
Thank you SnoppyDoo for the push to read this. I owe you for this new addiction.