Bloggers write: Why I created Bookish Box Swaps
It's time for Bloggers write section! One thing we love more than books and bookish gadgets is a bookish gift box full of personalized goodies. Here's a step by step instruction how to create one:
1. Read the following piece
2. Join Bookish Box Swaps on BookLikes
3. Meet other book lovers
4. Prepare fancy gadgets
5. Send a box with a smile
A guest post by Jessica from Hopelessly Devoted Bibliophile:
So you’re wondering about Bookish Box Swaps, and what they are? Well friends, let me take you on a quick trip into a world filled with boxes of goodies. A world where that fluttery feeling of filling boxes with things you know someone else will love, comes more than once a year. If there’s one thing we bookish people know, it’s that books can soothe the soul. This is exactly why I created the Bookish Box Swaps group.
The idea behind it all is simple. Our group chooses the next swap we want to do, a minimum spending requirement is set, a list of fun themed items is created, and the rest is all up to the swappers! We do a quick poll at the beginning, before people are paired up, to give the swappers a glimpse at the people behind the emails. It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the people you interact with on a daily basis, and see what you have in common! Each swap is unique, and a brand new chance to meet someone new.
As an example, our “Cozy Up Swap” at the end of 2016 was about all things comforting and warm. The rules called for a book, a warm drink, something edible, something handmade, and a card. I was absolutely floored by the types of boxes that were curated by our members. There were so many thoughtful, handpicked, handmade items. It’s a lot of fun to watch the pictures roll in, as the swappers receive their packages. The amount of love thrown around is infectious.
Have I given you enough of a reason to join us yet? We would love to have you! You can find us here: Keep in mind that our swaps aren’t mandatory, and all our members are welcome to participate whenever they can!
My hope for this group was always that it would foster more of the bookish love we all already have, and bring people closer together. It seems to be doing just that! When the world looks bleak, at least we have this little piece of kindness and light to hold onto.
If you've missed the previous "Bloggers write" post here's a link to catch up with the BookLikes Librarian's tips & tricks on editing and adding books on BookLikes ->