Taco Heaven

I am officially the Taco Queen
I know that just about everything tastes better in taco form. It's just the way it is, accept it. I saw this book advertised online and bought it without reading more than the title. How could I not love it ? I was right in buying it, I love it ! Yes, that strong taco kind of love feeling deep down in my taco shaped heart.
The recipes are vegan, hold on now, these recipes will make your mouth water for more. Excellent spices, combos and all around delicious dishes for all hours of the day. It is worries you you can add your bits whatever it is that you need to be happy. That's right it's all about the happy. Be happy eat tacos, learn from the taco scientist in this book.
Fun, laugh out loud snark and witty tales. This is one book covers humor, science, recipes, and good taste. You can't go wrong.