Another TBR Clean Out Fail Read

Storm Siren - Mary Weber

Failed in so many ways. I can list so many ways it went wrong for me and can't really remember any good points.  It was a silly little YA read.I will not be continuing to read this author's work.
#1 problem was the narrator, she was monotone, unemotional and ruined any POW the book may have had.
#2 The heroine was a whiner, she went on and on about her leg, her lag was the most important thing happening while the bodies fell around her
#3 Mean eating horses ? These beasties wanted to eat her, chomp her head into little bits, but that was forgotten as the story went along ?
#4 She doesn't want to kill anyone, even when all her loved one are bleeding around her, children are dying, hundreds dead, she watches, whines and complains. Sure she has that right, but she is the only one capable of saving her people from those who are torturing thousands and she can't kill a few ? (just pissed me off)
#5 The prince is hiding as a servant in this horrible house with this nasty handy woman ? Why?
#6 This wolf who takes over people, why ?
#7 The ending ? Killed off the only possibly good character left so there goes the slight speck of interest I had.
#8 The romance ? Was it romance or control ? It didn't really play out either way enough to become a real thing.
#9 Special little snowflake with no heart, no strength and no ability to hold my interest.