Lost and I Need Another Book

The Drafter - Kim Harrison

Quick and dirty-Twisted Betrayals, Stolen Time and Forgotten Love all wrapped up in a tornado.

Did I love it ? No. Was I glued to the pages, yes. Will I re-read it, yes. This was a book with a lot going on in a very small world. Perhaps too small, so centered on Peri the main character. I didn't get a chance to know any of the other characters, it was very centered on the one girl. She was the eye of the storm. Dang she had more than enough messed up issues going on to carry three books but I wanted to know more on the others that blew into her sphere of timelines gone funky. Even if the story focused on her we still did't get any real knowledge of her or did we ?  I just read 400 plus pages about Peri and i don't know a thing about her I don't think. It's all so confusing, nothing was solid. Did I just Draft ? Ha ! I need book 2, NEED I have to figure some of this stuff out. Ms. Harrison left everything hanging over the bottomless cliff. CLIFFHANGER

I think this would be an excellent audiobook I think I listen to it for my second reading