I Love It When I Finish And Want More

I enjoyed the story, loved/hated the characters with exuberance. I was intrigued by the mythology around the edges. I wanted to kiss the ground and scream "thanks book gods for finally doing it right" but I didn't I would have probably gotten smacked by a falling book for that. I love the feeling of greediness when I finish a book.
So the story is about a girl who finds herself alone after her mother is killed by evil life sucking zombies (my name), she is forced to go back to the place her mother ran from and face some really hard rippled men, ah I mean hard truths about who she is and face Ms. destiny. Yep that bitch. She screws up, tries hard, gets beaten, gets up, and endangers all.
That is all I'm giving you, if you want some fun give it a try.