Vlad Is Back To Bad

This was a F book-Fabulous Frightening Facinorous Flammiferous Fitting.
Four. Four stars
Vlad got his wicked back and I couldn't be happier. His sappy side that we saw in a previous time has hardened and turned into an even more dangerous weapon. He learned from it, grew greater. What I saw and his character saw as a great weakness, love,had made him more dangerous and ruthless. He also regained his dry funny snarky bone, and had me laughing out loud several times. When he told his greatest secret near the end. Bwahahahahha ! This new version of Vlad is wonderful, bring on more !
Leila, was strong independent and sure of herself and her relationship. What a fabulous character she has developed into. She was never wishy washy about her trust in Vlad or their love bond, what a rare treat. This girl went through the worst of the worst and never wavered, she feared but never doubted her value to him. Oh the horrors she had to endure, I was undone for her, tears filled my eyes and pain tore at my heart. Many characters are written as scared broken things after so much torture but not this one she rose like a Phoenix with a mighty whip. I loved her quick witty moments with Vlad, these two got me some odd stares while ridding the rail with my outburst of laughter. Ah, public reading moments, so fun. LOL
I couldn't stop reading it. I had to finish it once I started the villain was just what a villain should be utterly evil, the history revealed interesting, the love moments were hot and steamy. I am back in the Love Vlad Cheer Squad.