A Unrealistic goal for 2015 ?

I need a goal for the year a way to move towards a simpler way.

I've been very successful on my cut back of ARCs and cleaned many owned books off my shelves so what is my next goal ? I'm going to try to go a year without buying one book. From Jan 1-Dec 31, 2015 I am not going to buy one. Okay I might have cheated a bit with one preorder,( Burned, KMM ) I did last November, but that was last year !

I have been using my library more and more and been thrilled with my take home reads. I will use that system, my two ARCs a month and the various freebies offered only for the year.

If I am successful, I plan treating myself to a trip to New Orleans. I've done my accounting and now exactly what I spent on books/audios. The money I save from what I spent last year will cover my gas and a one night stay, maybe I can find a deal for two nights ? 

Wish me luck fellow readers this will be hard for this addicted clicker.